Ilka Raupach
Ilka Raupach's artistic works arise from the tension between culture and nature. She understands them as an attempt at orientation, as an experience and exploration of natural spaces with all its senses, and thus ultimately as an exploration of the relationship between humans and nature. Particularly countries covered with ice and snow as well as the Brazilian rainforest simultaneously astonish and inspire her.
©Ilka Raupach
Ilka Raupach was born in 1976 in Hennigsdorf. Trained as an ivory carver and master carver in Michelstadt as well as Uummannaq and Ilulissat, Greenland; studied art/free sculpture at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bergen/Norway, graduated in 2005; 2009-2019 art/science assistant at the Institute of Architecture-Related Art in Berlin. Assistant at the Institute for Architecture-Related Art at the TU Braunschweig. Participation in numerous international projects and exhibitions: including 2014 The Arctic Circle, Art and Science Expedition Svalbard; 2015 Artist in Residence, Acaia Institute, São Paulo, Brazil; 2022 LABVERDE Residence, Amazonas, Brazil.