Renata Kaminska
The Polish artist Renata Rara Kaminska, who lives in Germany and Switzerland, has her artistic focus in the fields of drawing, sculpture, weaving and installation. As a politically engaged artist, she is part of various movements and initiatives, such as for the progressive Polish party "Lewica Razem". By studying the printed local press in Polish, German, French and Czech, Kaminska focuses on collective memory and its manifestation in public space, which reflects the main axis of her work. The artist asks, "Who owns the public space and what part of it is actually mine?" This space includes urban squares and streets, but especially the space of information flow and mass communication.
©Renata Kaminska
Renata Rara Kaminska, lives and works in Berlin, studied at the Art Academy in Lublin/PL, Zurich/CH and Leipzig/D and completed her MFA in Fine Arts at the Art Institute, UMCS (Prof. Mikołaj Smoczyński) in Lublin and the Hochschule fuer Grafik und Buchkunst, HGB (Prof. Astrid Klein) in Leipzig. Her work has been exhibited at the Monique Goldstrom Gallery in New York, as part of a guest participation in the Luxembourg Pavilion at the 55th Venice International Art Exhibition, at the Chert Gallery in Berlin, and at the AURORA Biennial of Public Art in Dallas. In recent years, Kaminska has also carried out her interdisciplinary and ephemeral project BEL ETAGE, begun in 2009, and continues this work annually.