Kerstin Mörsch
Her work is a growing, constantly changing artwork, which develops in large cycles.
She draws, paints, performs and builds sculptures. She sews, knits and glues. She works with words, found objects, paper and canvas. From this, a constantly growing archive has emerged in recent years, your Moerschiversum".
Each cycle is a different world, a different reality, into which she immerses herself completely. A cycle that she goes through completely until she can complete it. For the "papier & klang" festival she wraps different papers, waste paper (what she encounters in her everyday life), old or failed drawings, packaging paper into pieces torn small, carries through with bunny glue, to paper sticks. Winding creates arches and rods. From these she builds pyramids, cubes or other shapes."
©Kerstin Mörsch
Kerstin Moersch was born and raised in the Vulkaneifel in 1979.
She studied fine arts at the Berlin University of the Arts, the Royal Institute of Art Stockholm and the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basel.
She has received funding from the Kunststiftung NRW (Schloss Ringenberg 2008), the state of Rhineland-Palatinate (Cite internationales des arts Paris, 2014) and the state of Upper Austria (Salzamt Linz, 2012/2018), among others. In 2012 she won the Hans Purrmann Foerderpreis of the city of Speyer. Exhibitions in Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Cologne, Hamburg, Basel and Athens, among others.